To view or download Keynote and Workshop Session PowerPoint Presentations and Videotaped Sessions, scroll down for links or click here to begin with Session A.
Keynote, Sharon Lewis, Administration for Community Living, video
Keynote Leisa Easom, Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving,video
9:00-9:30 am Opening Remarks. Welcome to Nashville!
9:30-10:30 KidBilly Music: Team Building through Song
Award winning song writers, Billy Kirsch and team, will lead conference attendees in an interactive and dynamic song writing experience to reflect the passion and need for respite among the nation’s family caregivers. Participants will rediscover their creativity to become more innovative and engaged in their work and we will leave with new messaging ideas for respite.
The KidBilly song-writing team has enjoyed Grammy awards, Emmy and Tony nominations, Country Music Association awards, multiple top 10 and number one hit songs recorded by singers such as Wynonna Judd. Credits include appearances on The Tonight Show, David Letterman, and recordings with artists Keith Urban, Ray Charles, Kenny Rogers, Shania Twain, Martina McBride and many more.
A Model of Health for Family Caregivers - Flo Weierbach, PhD, MPH, RN, Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University College of Nursing, Johnson City, TN
Sharon Lewis
Deputy Administrator
Administration for Community Living
Senior Advisor to the Secretary on Disability Policy
US Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC
Sharon Lewis was appointed Principal Deputy Administrator of the Administration for Community Living and Senior Advisor to the HHS Secretary on Disability Policy in November 2013. Prior to this, Sharon was the Commissioner of the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Well known as an effective advocate, Sharon has a proven track record in championing disability issues. She has been particularly focused on ensuring that the perspective of people with disabilities and their families are central to program and policy efforts.
Sharon has worked in disability policy for more than 15 years at local, state, and national levels. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2010 Distinguished Leadership in National Disability Policy Award and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Chairman's Award. A native of Michigan, she is a parent to three daughters, including one with disability.
Measuring Impact: Evaluation Lessons from Massachusetts’ Lifespan Respite Coalition Programs - Emily Kearns, President of Kearns Consulting, Massachusetts Lifespan Respite Coalition Board of Directors, Andover, MA • Amy Korstvedt Nazaire, Project Director, Massachusetts Lifespan Respite Project, and Regional Director of Family Support and Children’s Services, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, Northeast Region, Hathorne, MA
Leisa R. Easom, PhD, RN is the Executive Director of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI) and Pope Eminent Scholar at Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW). The mission of the RCI is to establish local, state, national and international partnerships committed to building quality long-term, home and community-based services for caregivers in the promotion of caregiver health, skills, and resilience.
Certified in gerontology, Dr. Easom focuses her program of research on caregivers (military and dementia), end-of-life issues, aging, and health promotion in rural areas of the United States. She has been the recipient of many awards including Teacher of the Year Award at GSW and was selected as a Helene Fuld Scholar recipient for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Leadership program. Dr. Easom serves on the Medical Assisting Board for South Georgia Technical College, on the Caregiving Advisory Panel for the U. S. Administration on Aging, the ARCH Expert Panel on Respite Research, and the Carter Center Task Force for Mental Health. She was recently selected as a “Reynolds Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence Distinguished Scholar in Aging”.
9:45-10:45 Lifespan Respite Plenary Session
Lifespan Respite Panel
"Hitting the High Notes with Lifespan Respite: Progress at the Five-Year Point”
Moderator: Jill Kagan, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Greg Link, Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging, US Department of Health and Human Services Presentation
Sharon Johnson, Program Coordinator, Nebraska DHHS – Children and Family Services, Lifespan Respite Program and Disabled Persons & Family Support Program, Lincoln, NE Presentation
Peggy Spaulding, State Unit on Aging Program Specialist, Colorado Office of Community Access and Independence, CO Department of Human Services, Denver, CO Presentation
Tabitha Satterfield, Aging Program Coordinator, Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability, Nashville, TN Presentation
Nashville Public Television – Aging Matters - Jo Ann Scalf, Education Director, Nashville Public Television, Nashville, TN • LaTonya Turner, Producer, Nashville Public Television, Nashville, TN
Caring too Much: Impact of Stress on Brain Pathways of Caregivers - Dr. Stephen D’Amico, MD, CMD, FACGS, Franklin, TN • Dr. Annita Kerr-D’Amico, Franklin, TN
America the Beautiful: Respite Care for Our Nation's Heroes - Jed Johnson, Director, National Veteran Caregiver Training Program, Easter Seals, Washington, DC • Jennifer Dexter, Assistant Vice President, Government Affairs, Easter Seals, Washington, DC
Thursday Afternoon, October 9
12:45 - 2:15 pm Lunch and Plenary Session
Community Innovation Panel
"Respite from a New Perspective: Meeting Needs Without Missing
a Beat"
Edgar Cahn, Founder and Chair, TimeBanks, USA, Washington, DC Presentation
Louise Barnes, Ph.D., Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Children and Youth Programs, Nashville, TN Presentation
Laura Doutre, MPS, Assistant Commissioner, Policy & Innovation, TN Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Nashville, TN Presentation
2:15-2:45 Break
2:45-4:00 Workshops Session E
Respite Agency Best Business Practices - Instrumental to your Success, In Harmony with Your Clients - Doug Bergman, President and CEO, United Cerebral Palsy of Sacramento and Northern California, Sacramento, CA
Successfully Implementing a Volunteer System to Increase Statewide Access to Respite Care TakeFIVE: Funding, Training, Support - MaryJo Alimena Caruso, M.Ed, Coordinator, CareBreak at the Watson Institute and Master Trainer, TakeFIVE, Sewickley, PA • Mary Jones-Furlow, M.Ed., Project Coordinator, Temple University and Trainer, TakeFIVE, Philadelphia, PA and Arizona's Approach - Elizabeth Harris, M.S.W., Respite Project Coordinator/Volunteer Coordinator, Arizona Caregiver Coalition, Phoenix, AZ
With a Little Help From My Friends: Technology and Hands-on Assistance Support for Family Caregivers across the Lifespan - Elenore Parker, President, Rewarding Work Resources, Brookline, MA • Jeffrey A. Keilson, Co-Founder, Rewarding Work Resources, Brookline, MA • Amy Korstvedt Nazaire, Project Director, Massachusetts Lifespan Respite Project and Regional Director of Family Support and Children’s Services, Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services, Northeast Region, Hathorne, MA • David Besst, Caregiver Programs Specialist, Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Aging and Adult Services, Phoenix, AZ
Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium
(By invitation only for Lifespan Respite Grantees and Partners. Separate Registration Required)
7:30 am - 8:30 am Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 3:00 pm Presentations and Interactive Discussion
About us
We are a national, membership-based organization that assists and promotes the development of quality respite and crisis care programs; helps families locate respite and crisis care services in their communities; and serves as a strong voice for respite in all forums.
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Join with other concerned advocates, providers and family caregivers who want to make a difference in the lives of the nation's children and adults with disabilities and chronic conditions, older adults, and their caregivers, and other families needing support.